Well that was weird

So, a few months ago, I submitted a story to Ellora's Cave. Then I sent it around a couple of beta readers and they pretty much said what had been bugging me about it… It needs work. A. Lot.

No worries. I'm kinda sick of that story, so I put it to the back of my writing list and have been focused on other stuff. Besides, it needed enough work that Ellora's Cave probably wouldn't even consider it, so I figured they'd reject it, I'll write something else and that's the way it goes. 

Only… I just got an email from EC. They are interested. Enough that it's passed the first round and is sitting with the acquisitions editor. (or at least, I think it is… they got my name wrong, but the story title right 🙂 )
The thing is… it still needs work. So. Do I do the work and send the new version to them? Pull it from consideration? Hope that they pair me with a darn good editor and that she'll help me fix it up before publication?

I don't want to hope they reject it, cuz, well… I want to get published, but I just don't want my first book to be something that needs work. Ya know what I mean?


Of course, I probably just jinxed the whole thing by bringing it up now. *grin* 

1 Comment »

  1. kalbzayn Said:

    I don’t think I would tell them about any changes at this point. I would think that if you tell them that you don’t like things about the story and want to fix it, they’ll get annoyed that you didn’t send your best work. If it doesn’t get published there, then send the new version off somewhere else.

    But, what do I know. I never submit anything anywhere.

    Good luck.

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